Wednesday, July 16, 2008

As luck would have it...

Early Monday morning we took one last look around our beautiful Sherwood home, loaded our sleepy kids in the car, and drove away following Jamie's parents in the Penske truck loaded with our possessions. How strange a feeling to be closing the chapter on this season of our lives and anticipating the start of the next, with this hang time in the middle.
Our first day was long, being that we had to go 50 mph to stay with the truck, but our kids did shockingly well! At about the 13th hour in the car, when they should have been completely spent, our kids started singing happily, "Da-ddy, Da-ddy, Mo-mmy, Mo-mmy, we love you so much! You're the best!" and we looked at each other thinking, "How did we get so lucky?"
The second day was light years better due to the very timely location of our good friends Arich and Syble Harrison (check out their blog to the left) and the long overdue visit with them. We only had a couple hours but it renewed our spirits and we left feeling yet again, "How did we get so lucky?" We love you guys and your friendship means the world to us!
By the time we got in to Southern California, Kendyl had finally melted down, which consisted of saying with duress, "It's like we live in the car now!" All in all, not bad for a 4 yr old.
We all made it safe and sound with sanity intact! Thank you all for your prayers!
The funny thing is, our trip to Costa Rica will likely be much easier!
How did we get so lucky? Thank you Lord!

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