Monday, August 4, 2008

More Love!

We just couldn't keep ourselves away from the mountains, so yesterday we were up there again. This time we went to Calvary Chapel Lake Arrowhead, the place where we both went to church and school for parts of elementary school, Jr. high, and High school. Needless to say the memories of this campus go way back...all the way back to when we first met in sunday school in 1989!
Although this church has gone through many changes over the years, we still feel so connected here and we were incredibly blessed this Sunday! Our hearts were especially touched by Pastor Tom as he welcomed us, introduced our ministry to the church, and asked people to come up and pray for us. His words were so meaningful and we will cherish them for a long long time. This was the most emotional service yet as we were reunited with our roots and so many faces that we have missed the last few years. As you prayed, we felt your hands carrying our burdens to the Lord and it meant so much! We want to thank all of those who prayed over us that day...every one of you holds a special place in our hearts!

1 comment:

Blaine and Elisa said...

Elisa and I were honored to pray with you that momentous day. We are in awe of God's greatness and his power in your lives. Numbers 6:24-26 to you, humbly from us.

The Vanderschuits