Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Pack 'N Play?

Can you find Nathan amongst all our stuff? He's the one grinning like a child on Christmas. Is it supposed to be so much fun packing our entire lives into 6 check-ons and 3 carry-ons? Nathan sees this as a challenge that he will conquer like the Olympic athletes we've been watching the last few days. As far as I (Jamie) am concerned, I'm happy being a spectator. In fact, wake me when it's over!

Here is the contender now...carefully wrestling the bag into position over the scale, calculating each bag to precisely 49.5 lbs. Just under the 50 lb limit. This is gonna be a close one.

I guess Caedon was hoping he'd make the cut! Don't worry little buddy...we'd never leave you behind! Besides you're way under the limit! Just Kidding!

1 comment:

A family of boys said...

Looks like Nathan is having a great time! I'm really so excited for you all. It's going to be an amazing journey.