Saturday, August 30, 2008

Words of Wisdom

There have been many great speakers this week at orientation, but one particularly got our attention and his words really spoke to us.
His name is John Stam, now Juan Stam. Originally from the US, he and his wife have been missionaries here for 50 years and are now Costa Rican citizens. The Ticos can't even tell that he's a gringo anymore since he has acclimated so much to this culture.
During his talk he gave us tips for becoming trans-cultural, warnings against false theologies, and reported on the condition of the church in Latin America today. All fascinating!
He also encouraged us with some advice about this time of training. "The first thing I recommend is baptism by immersion" he said, pausing to add, "that is, immerse yourself in the culture, appreciate its music, memorize its poetry, pick a soccer team." "Second, get a good hearing aid and Listen! Listen! Listen!" "Lastly," he urged, "get some good camouflage. Try to blend in with the Costa Ricans and learn as Paul did to 'become all things to all men so that some might be saved.'"
Lately, we have been feeling anxious to do what we came here to do... build relationships with nationals and share the love of Christ. It feels like it's going to take forever to settle into daily life here, learn our way around, learn the culture, and learn Spanish! All at a level to be effective in our ministry.
Juan reminded us that Paul, after his calling to the mission field, had at least 13 years before he actually started his ministry. "What was he doing all that time?" Juan Stam asked. "I think he was learning the Gentile culture, learning the language, studying, and being prepared by the Holy Spirit to be a messenger for Christ!"
Just a little reality check.

You can visit Juan's website (en espanol) at

1 comment:

ahof said...

We are so proud of you guys. It takes a lot of faith to be able to do what you are doing. I am not sure that our family would be able to. We will continue to pray that God uses you in more ways than you ever thought possible. It was great to spend sometime with you before you left. We love you.

The Hofmeisters