Thursday, October 2, 2008

A Call to Prayer

"He has delivered us from peril, and he will deliver us again. On him we have set our hope that he will continue to deliver us, as you help us by your prayers. Then many will give thanks on our behalf for the gracious favor granted us in answer to the prayers of many." 2 Corinthians 1:10-11

Here are some specifics we are praying about...will you please join us in prayer?
  • Praise God that our home in Oregon is now in escrow! We will end up with much less than we had hoped due to the current market and will not have the financial "cushion" we had hoped to have for this coming year. We know God is in control and He doesn't need escrow money in order to provide.
  • Thank the Lord for providing us with fellowship here! We met several families in language school who share our heart for the people and are facing many of the same challenges. It's nice to have comrades and know we are not alone.
  • Ask for strength to persevere physically, mentally, and spiritually. After 6 weeks, real life has settled in and the challenges of everyday life in a third-world country wear us out. Throw in the mental strain of language learning and spiritual attacks and, well...we need prayer.
  • Ask for funding to continue our ministry. Pray that He will call additional people to support our ministry financially, and that those who have promised support will remain faithful to their commitment. We are still looking for 4 churches or businesses @ 200/month, 10 individuals @ 100/month, and 10 @ 50/month.
  • Ask for guidance in ministry decisions. We now have connections at 2 seminaries here. Both have a need for teachers. We also have the opportunity to become involved in a Christian dance company that is changing lives through gospel centered performances, and at a local Christian school where our kids may attend in the future. Pray that we will hear clearly to proceed in obedience.
  • Worship Him for being our Almighty Savior! What a God we serve! With all the power to control the universe, He cares enough to listen to our hearts. Even though we don't deserve anything, He gives us grace and provides all we need. We feel incredibly blessed to be serving Him here in Costa Rica and look forward to where he leads us.

1 comment:

Blaine and Elisa said...

Us again. You know you got our prayers.

-The Vanderschuits