Saturday, December 6, 2008

God saved us tonight!

Disclaimer: contains content that will make mom's worry (particularly ours)...

Just a few minutes ago (at about 11:40pm) we were walking home from Nathan's surprise birthday party (more on that later) at a friends house. They live just on the other side of the big park about a 1/2 of a mile from our house, so we didn't think of calling a taxi.
Like usual we kept getting ready to leave their house but always got into more conversation and ended up staying later. As we left, we stood outside their gate talking for another 5 minutes.
As we walked passed the park a big police truck drove by, which is semi-unusual in our neighborhood, but then again, just this morning, we saw a guard get out of an unmarked car at the grocery store casually swinging a pistol grip shot gun, so we've become accustomed to that sort of thing and thought nothing of it.
As we rounded the corner near our house, our dear Tico friends, Gus and Joconda, we're standing outside their house. Gus yelled at us, "What are you doing out here! It's not safe!"
Apparently, just 5 minutes before, at the very park we had just passed, Gus and 2 friends who were returning from playing pool were held up by 6 guys all armed with guns. Gus had two pistols held to his head and a shot gun to his stomach. Praise God for their protection! All the robbers got was some cash and a cell phone and no one was hurt.
Praise God that He had us talk five more minutes or it would have been us...the perfect targets...gringos, with kids, and a purse with a Cannon Rebel in it. It just makes us so thankful for His protection, even when we don't know we need it.

PS: Thank you to all of you who have been praying for our safety... keep up the good work!