Friday, February 6, 2009

Back to School

Think September… all the stores are filled with backpacks, notebooks, pens and pencils. Kids get new school clothes and uniforms; and there is that feeling of looking forward to buckling down, settling into a routine, and fall weath……… Well, except that part.
Costa Rica’s school year is Jan-Dec so their big break is at Christmas, and now everything has that back to school feeling, but we are smack in the middle of summer weather. It’s just another one of those things our brains are adjusting to.
We are back in school too, in our second trimester of Spanish language school. Jamie is in classes part-time and part-time with a personal tutor and Nathan is in full time tutoring. He is also enrolled in a general Bible Survey course (in Spanish) at the local seminary where he hopes to teach at in the near future. We are also both serving on the institute's student counsel, Nathan as the Music Director and Jamie as the Rayitos (nursery/daycare) representative.

Here is a little taste of what our classes are like...

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