Last night was my (Jamie)second meeting with Bianca, a 20 year old German girl serving a 6 year sentence for drug trafficking, in El Buen Pastor women's prison. She has been there ever since the day she was caught at the San Jose airport smuggling cocaine in her luggage 1 1/2 years ago.
Bianca is understandably depressed. She is not only alienated from the other girls culturally, but doesn't not even have the privilege of family visits since they are in Germany. She filed papers one year ago for a transfer to finish her sentence in Germany, but who knows how long they will be caught up in red tape. She will not know if her transfer has been accepted until a few hours before she is taken away that same day.
Bianca has recently accepted the Lord but is still not sure what that means in her life, how to pray, or how to read her Bible. I will be meeting with Bianca every other Wednesday night to disciple her. My goal is to just build a friendship with her and allow the Lord to do the rest.
Thanks to Pastor Peter at Countryside, I now have an awesome bible study to do with her called Just for Starters. It has 7 lessons that cover just the basics and even teaches you how to read a passage and how to pray. It is really just perfect for her so I am really looking forward to it!
Thank you all for your prayers and please continue to pray for Bianca as she steps out of her comfort zone and reaches out to the Lord. Please also continue to pray for me, I am out of my comfort zone as well, that the Lord would use me to work mightily in Bianca's life, and that I would step aside and allow His words to shine through.
I will be posting soon on the living conditions in the prison with some local news reels...
We're totally praying for you and Bianka! God bless both of you ladies... Love, Syb
That's so awesome Jamie!
Please tell Bianka I'm praying for her...I have been for the last few weeks since Nathan told me about your interactions with her -- I have a great deal of sympathy for her. Thank you for the update as it is encouraging to me to see fruit from my prayers. You and Nathan are such wonderful servants of the Lord's, you just be yourself in the Lord, because God does shine through you.
Tell Bianca that Syble and I know she is in good company with you!
Praise God for women like you with a heart to disciple, espec. those in prison. I was singing on a women's prison ministry team for about a year and a half. I miss it very much since I moved.
God bless you richly!!
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