Last weekend we officially graduated from language school!
Almost exactly one year ago today, we packed up our lives, got on a plane, and arrived in this strange city. Our hearts were filled with the hope of learning Spanish and somehow being used by God to impact our new community for Christ.
We knew it would be hard at times, and it was. Being away from home, away from family, and away from familiar surroundings was by far the most challenging part (and still is). But never before have we been in such a place spiritually that made us rely so heavily on God to get us through each day, and there is no better place to be.
It was very touching at our graduation ceremony to see so many missionaries, each marching in behind the flag of their Latin American country of service, ready to head out once again, in unfamiliar territory, to serve God's people.
It was also a very bitter-sweet time as we had to say good bye to so many really good friends that we got so close to through this whole process.
Jamie's parents were able to be here for the ceremony and we celebrated with them on a little vacation at the beach for a few days. Some of our missionary friends from school were able to join us there for some much needed rest and relaxation. It was just what the doctor ordered!
Now we're ready to dive into full-time ministry! WooHoo!
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Can't wait to hear how God continues to use you guys!
¡Congraduaciones (finalmente yo lo digo)! =D
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