Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Be careful what you say...

Spanish translation sometimes gives us gringos a freebie... like the word for car is carro, the word for computer is computadora, student is estudiante, and doctor is simply doctor. Sometimes this truly works in your favor....other times....not so much!

For example,
your "arma" isn't your arm, it's a weapon.
if you have an "injuria" you don't have an injury, you were insulted.
if you are "embarazada" you are not embarrassed, you are pregnant.
if you are "constipado" you don't need the bathroom, you need a decongestant.

Case in point...the other day our friend went to the bakery and wanted a dough nut. He proceeded to say, "Yo quiero una doña blanco y una doña negro." The "ñ" makes the sound "n-ye" as in "piñata". Close...but the word for dough nut is "dona", without the tilde. So, after the entire bakery erupted in laughter, our poor friend realized he had just said, "I want one white woman and one black woman."

It just goes to show how important language school is, otherwise, who knows what we might be telling people! Yikes!


dia said...

Oh, this is hilarious! Good times. Just gotta laugh those embarrassing and hilarious moments. Another way to be humbled =)
Miss you all!

Blaine and Elisa said...


Tertl Man said...

I speak 50% spanish and this was muuuuuuch funny. I grew up with a family from Argentina most of my childhood. When I read this I started cracking up and proceeded explaining to Erin. WE love it!!!!

in Him, me