Saturday, July 24, 2010

God is Good!

Have you experienced a time when you took a leap of faith, and just trusted God that it was the right thing to do? Something big in your life like taking that job offer, or selling your house and moving, or getting married, or..... the list could go on and on.

Then, have you ever felt the incredible astonishment as things worked out smoother than you anticipated (I mean, come on, when does THAT ever happen) and everything just seemed to fall into place, like it was meant to be?

I've heard other people share stories like that....and once again God has shown that He is Good!

Would you believe that when we moved here to Highlands Ranch, CO our apartment was even better than what we were told and a neighbor showed up just in time to help move the heavy stuff. Within 4 days God provided a job for Nathan. Within a week, an awesome church and Christian school that the kids WANT to go to. Within 3 weeks a part-time job for Jamie that doesn't start till the kids are in school (is your jaw dropping yet?) and within a month, financing on a house that is absolutely perfect for our family for way less than market value! WHAT??!!

There's actually even more things too, like the incredible peace and contentment that comes along with knowing that you are in the hands of the almighty creator and that He loves you and cares for ALL your needs (and apparently even some of your wants!)

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